Friday, June 02, 2006

Long Time

It's been two months since I have written anything on here...anything in my journal....any poetry...two months since I have picked up a pen for creative expression. I'm not sure why but hey... the time pasted...things have happened and we move forward. Ya'll aren't ready to hear all that I have been doing, been thru and experienced the last couple months. All I can say is God is good and without Him I don't know where I would be.

Months ago...I mentioned that I was popular...well..."A Taste of Philly" won me over. I have to figure out a new nickname for him because he cut his beard the look of a philly dude is gone. I love it...I suggested it...and I'm glad he thinks I'm so wonderful that he did it and likes the clean look again. Ya'll this one is great...crazy, but great. I wasn't looking...but I may have been found. I'm happy in this thing we got going that's all that matters right now. The parents like him...I've met all his family...I got some mixed reviews...but I think it will be ok. This summer we plan on spending lots of time with each others family. We are talking about the future...and I feel good about it. I'm not where I want to be in life...he's not actually where I would want a husband to be in life...but together we can be in an amazing place. I'll keep you updating.

Life is interesting...I looking for something interesting...not just a job...maybe career while I waiting for God to open the door for law school. I have a degree...I should be using it. Anyone have any career ideas for me???? Leave your suggestions...what do you think I would be good at???? I need help here!!! I have an idea or two...but suggestions will help me think of things I have not thought of....

Until next could be hours, days, weeks, or telling how I will feel

~Take Care~