Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I adore him!

Raj Amin...this has got to be the greatest individual I've ever had the privilege to know! I love him with everything I have. I learned almost everything I know from him (minus the few things I've learned at Drexel, but even before I got to Drexel...I was a genius because I him). I'm still having a difficult time adjusting to the fact that I don't see him on a regular basis. It's been a few years since he packed up and moved to Boston, MA to continue his education. Oh, did I tell you that he's a genius???...the best student the Baltimore school system ever had (graduated with honors at 16) , left a major legacy at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (didn't pay a penny for anything and they sent him over seas more than once with no cost to him) and is now at Brandeis University (Boston MA) working on his PhD (Again, they are paying for all of it)! And give him a few more year, I know he will be the youngest person to every receive a Noble Peace Prize. He would never boast about all his accomplishments, so I will do it for him. And mind you I have not even begun to list everything this man has done...if I did that I would overload this system and crash the program! I think it's obvious to see that I love this man, I adore him and would give my life for him! Many of you nosy people are probably wondering who...Raj Amin is...?? He knows, many others know, and if you ask maybe I'll tell you. You probably want to meet him, just so you can say that you 'know' him... Thank you, Raj Amin for always believing in me, telling me I'm the best even when I felt my worse, bragging about me like I was the greatest person in the world and always, always loving me even when I was unlovable. I adore you, you are my BEST MAN!

My Fellas!

I have very inspiring friends. It isn't an easy job being a leader of anything, especially if that leadership involves direct contact with people under you. I'm always telling my friends about the different difficulties I'm encountering during my daily activities. During a conversation I was told, "No matter what you have to stay professional." Might not seem profound to many of you...but yesterday I had to remind myself of these words...and those words were the only things that helped refrain me from really going off on someone. So, I didn't go off, I didn't yell. I was calm, cool and collect...Stef, would have been proud! I'm always receiving words of wisdom from my friends...especially my male friends. For some reason they don't think I'm sensitive and therefore talk to me any ol' type of way with no consideration to my feeling. I appreciate the fact that they don't sugar coat things for me, but can I please have a sensitive moment??? Regardless of the way they speak to me (almost all of them...but never Tex!), the constant violence (Double A), or the fact that they can ask me about a dude but if I ask about a female they pretend as if they don't understand nor speak English (almost all of them)...I have so, so, so much love for my fellas!
B...he's my BMORE homie! he can be so ignorant, we can go back and forth for days...I can always count on him to be honest to me! L...he's my lil bro! he understands my emotions and is always looking out for his big sis. Double A...he's my bodyguard! he is there to smack me, but would kill someone if they did me wrong (I'm almost scared of him). Stef...he's my husband! he is so wise, when I need a good talking to, he's there. Dre...he's my babe!...he can definitely put I smile on my face. Tex...he's my sweetheart! he can fix anything, cook everything and is the sweetest person you will ever meet. They hold me down through it all...I don't have any blood brothers here in Philly...but I have several brothers in every other sense of the word. I am so grateful and thankful for that. Family is much more than the blood you share...it's the love you share!

Friday, January 21, 2005


I'm really starting to think I'm dealing with middle school age people! Last time I checked...I went to Drexel University. So, you might have to be a certain age or maybe at a certain level of education/academic excellence to enroll in college...but obviously the maturity level of the applicants is not taken into consideration. It was silly of me to think that I would be dealing with grown, mature adults during my college years. I'm a few months away from graduation and in the past four years I have only encountered a few adults. You may wonder why I am talking so much about this subject matter, well...It has quickly come to my attention that people (male and female) like to play games, don't value honesty, and would rather 'spare' someone's feeling instead of tell them the truth. I put the word 'spare' in quotations because never has dishonesty and lies spared my feelings or the feelings of anyone I've every encountered. I'm too through, my reserved nerves have been used, I'm done! Why would I keep wasting my time with people who aren't worth my time. You can think whatever you want about me, but in the end I'm the person that would support you no matter what, sacrifice to see you succeed and devote my time and energy to your success. Blue-Black, Brown-Skinned, Caramel, Light-Bright...none of the above! The Sisters of the Rosary Convent is looking better and better daily.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

"Tempted to Touch"

We (my roomie and I) decided that in '05 we are going to get out and be seen...this weekend we...support some friends at their house party, got our sing on with the choir, danced all night with the NUPES, and laughed all night with the fellas! We are having fun..."3311 is the place to be, we have lots of fun and we live free (also working on my rap career...lol)."

I'm still working on my courage. It's crazy that I can't say how I feel, but I can touch complete strangers. Who knows Rupee's song "Tempted to Touch"? I'm feeling that song...it came on Saturday and it caused me to touch somebody...lol! It sounds much more scandalous than it was. Ok...the person wasn't a complete stranger...I didn't know them...but my peoples know them. I think that makes it a little better...ok...maybe not!

How do you go about asking a guy out??? Do you just come out and ask??? Is there some slick way...some smooth lines??? Can I get some suggestions??? I maybe the HHIC but...I aint a PIMP like some of ya'll. I'm just loving life, staying focus and enjoying these last months at Drexel. ~Stay Tuned!~

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe and memorable holiday season! I enjoyed my time with family and friends and am thankful that I have seen another year come and go. So...it's 2005! My motto is "Live in 2005". I plan on going after all my passions and being successful with everything I put my hand to. Working on getting everything together for law school is no joke, I'm tired, but I have never been so excited to start something new. Fall 2005 will be the first time in a long time when being in a classroom for hours will be enjoyable...LAW SCHOOL! I'm trying to stay in Philly for law school, but University of Maryland has a wonderful program, so I may just go home. Oh wow...leaving this place called Drexel University will be a difficult transition. I am very proud to be a student at DrexelUniversity and will be even prouder to tell people I am a graduate of Drexel University! Over the upcoming weeks I will be sharing more about my plans for 2005...acceptance letters, job offers, business ventures and much more. Stay tuned...2005 will be the biggest, best, most memborable year! I hope that you take advantage of every opportunity to experience new things, take risks and be an EXTRAordinary person this year.